The series follows the resultant chaos and destruction that follows, and the war itself, fought not just with advanced technology, but swords, cavalry, and legions.
This in turn would require the Latter-day Saints to bring order to the resultant chaos and "save the Constitution" by implementation of a true theodemocracy.
It is impossible to describe the resultant chaos.
During the resultant chaos, disease and starvation would destroy much of the human race.
The expansion of population, taking the brakes off predators or increasing survival at birth, created exponential expansion and resultant chaos.
The resultant chaos in the city caused many American citizens in the area to seek shelter on board Arizona.
The resultant swirling chaos had become the bedrock of Alex's everyday notions of modem normality.
Much of the staff of the Chicago office was deployed to various bombed-out cities to report on the resultant chaos.
In December 2005, he returned to Iraq with Uvda to provide a retrospective of the previous years and resultant chaos in that country.
You are not behind the darkness, the resultant global chaos?