Parallels are drawn between him and a Tennysonian "lotus eater" - heedless to the closure of the lotus flower at sunset and even its resultant death.
The effect with which ingested curare poison is usually associated is muscle paralysis and resultant death.
As the toxin is highly biologically active, an estimated dose of 1μg/kg body weight is sufficient to induce an insufficient tidal volume and resultant death by asphyxiation.
It didn't help that I had to sign a waiver before I started which stated that any resultant death or accident would be my own responsibility.
The tale of resultant death and suffering was long and sad, and testified to the undauntable heroism of human scientists.
Most patients experienced rapid progression of cutaneous lesions; however, sudden worsening of pulmonary KS, with resultant deaths, was reported in at least four patients.
The blow left him mentally incapacitated until his resultant death in 866.
The Port Authority insists that the bombing was not preventable, and that it should therefore not be held liable for the resultant deaths and injuries.
While there were no resultant deaths, the force of the blast was sufficient to snap machine gun barrels, and rendered the vehicle beyond use.
The attempted kidnapping and resultant death of General René Schneider shocked the public and increased support of the Chilean Constitution.