He has all the equipment and expertise he needs to resume making weapons of mass destruction.
When he did not respond, she resumed making her point.
No more Annual Reports are expected unless they resume making electronic products.
Then, the class resumed making Hanukkah presents for their parents - lifesized paper doll portraits of themselves.
Post war production resumed making trailer units followed by tractors and in 1949 a 1.5 ton truck.
A cooper by trade, he resumed making barrels at his new mountain hideout, selling them to people in nearby communities.
The unofficial translation: He wants to resume making boatloads of money.
She was still for a moment, her head bent; then she resumed making her biscuits.
With this assistance program in place, Liberia was able to resume making loan payments.
"We want to put all that behind us," he said, "so we can resume making our payments."