Naturally, the bird was released again, to resume its travels.
They walked about to let the sun and wind dry their wet clothes before taking off to resume their travels.
Finsch resigned as curator of the museum in 1878 in order that he could resume his travels.
Šulentić devoted his time to painting, and in 1953 resumed his travels.
He later resumed his travels and studies of natural history.
Following this incident, Angel parts company with the group, and the other three vampires resume their travels without him.
"I think it best we beach this stinking fish corpse and resume our travels on foot," Conan answered.
Francie resumes his travels and arrives at Joe's school in the middle of the night.
Feeling better for that admonition, he resumed his travels.
Successful maneuvering a few centimeters at a time eventually freed the rover, which resumed its travels.