November 18 - Japan resumes whaling of humpbacks for the first time in 40 years.
Iceland has said it plans to resume commercial whaling in 2006.
Both countries have the long-term goal of resuming open commercial whaling.
Norway announced it would resume commercial whaling regardless of an international ban.
The Japanese have never denied that they want to resume full commercial whaling after the moratorium expires.
But there is certainly support here for resuming whaling, and polls indicate that 75 percent of the population would support such a move.
Three years later, in 2006, Iceland resumed commercial whaling.
But Japan's effort to resume small-scale coastal whaling was soundly defeated at this year's meeting and a compromise seems far off.
In 2003 Iceland resumed scientific whaling which continued in 2004 and 2005.
Iceland resumes whaling, 14 years after it stopped commercial whaling in 1989.