The shift from "retail" campaigning toward "wholesale" campaigning has been a gradual one in city elections.
There is not much glad-handing or other retail campaigning.
Whatever the outcome of the contests, their image as the last redoubts of "retail campaigning" has already suffered badly, perhaps irreparably.
Certainly the candidates, at least publicly, continue to maintain that retail campaigning is central to their strategies.
Traditional retail campaigning in the days and weeks leading up to the Iowa caucus is the Perry campaign's top priority.
Still, the Governor not only promised today to make plenty of New Hampshire visits himself but also to engage wholeheartedly in the time-consuming "retail" campaigning.
Despite similar protestations from Mr. Torricelli, neither man shows much of a hankering for "retail campaigning," as encounters with voters are called.
To be sure, most political candidates say they enjoy shaking hands, the stump events, the retail campaigning.
We have a full schedule of retail campaigning for the remainder of the campaign.
A national primary, he said, would require "an enormous amount of money, even more reliance on advertising and less on retail campaigning."