They keep prices down because they get only 9 to 10 percent of every retail dollar, while the ordinary supermarket gets 20 to 25 percent.
And with 80 to 85 percent of household spending controlled by women, the total retail dollars involved in that change is very high.
Virtually every retail dollar went to a small, individually owned business.
The company takes in 20 cents of every retail dollar spent in Australia.
The fight for retail dollars is also heating up in other parts of this city, although different markets are being targeted.
Mr. Jones noted that "the fierce fighting for the retail dollar" has taken a new twist in recent years.
Auto dealers took in $51.1 billion in July, nearly one of every four retail dollars.
Each company now holds about 26 percent of the market, measured in retail dollars.
They say that neighborhood protests ignore the benefits to a city that has for years lost retail dollars and jobs to the suburbs.
What if he could go directly to cable systems and get 60 percent of every retail dollar, and cut out the middle man?