The company is primarily involved with retail, payday lending, signature loans, and pawn lending.
"And retail lending is growing faster than corporate."
IndyMac announced the closure of both its retail lending and wholesale divisions, halted new loan submissions, and cut 3,800 jobs.
It will now concentrate on retail lending in California and across the Pacific.
With each purchase, bankers have confidently predicted the recovery of retail lending.
The company offers commercial and retail lending and investment services to corporations, partnerships, individuals, and government agencies.
Work has continued on the development of risk-weight proposals in respect of retail lending.
I further welcome what you said about the modified risk weight curve and retail lending and collateral.
Finance officials have warned of increasing risks from excessive retail lending, but some analysts say bank profits are likely to climb to $6 billion for the year.
Many banks borrow their money to lend from the Federal Government with a wholesale cost and repackage the money for retail lending.