Switches among retail providers do not alter total wholesale demand and wholesale suppliers do not care which retailer buys their power.
The retail and service providers get a boost, which goes down the line to manufactures, etc.
Advanced metering systems can provide benefits for utilities, retail providers and customers.
At the other end, retail providers would buy power wholesale and market it to homeowners and businesses.
The retail and workplace providers also note that many people they serve would not otherwise seek out a shot.
This sale would allow Broadweave to be both the wholesale provider and the sole retail provider.
Liberty is also home to the operations headquarters for Ferrellgas, the largest retail provider of propane in the United States.
Spark Energy is a retail electric provider (REP) and natural gas supplier operating in more than 40 deregulated utility areas in 16 states.
The Public Utility Commission of Texas approved Gexa Energy as a retail electric provider in 2001.
Other retail providers include a food court, on the first floor of the commercial centre, a fitness centre and a daycare nursery.