The agency has four main programs including artisan training, retail selling and the sponsoring of craft competitions as the local, regional and national level.
"The Street has sent it down, but there is no retail selling," one government bond trader said.
Rules for the retail selling of alcohol were primarily a provincial responsibility.
"Unless the news on Friday is bad enough to induce retail selling, the market is going to have a bias to do better," he said.
Each year a series of courses is run to train staff in all aspects of carpet manufacturing and retail selling.
"The tone in the market is still lousy, but some of the retail selling has stopped," one government bond trader said.
Additionally the album has not had the warm reception at retail only selling 32,000 copies thus far according to Nielsen Soundscan.
It will give courses in retail selling, store management, fitting and tailoring.
Similarly, some brokerage firms reported that retail selling was busy, but not extraordinarily so.
The early gains were extended after the Fed's announcement, but the rally quickly faded as a wave of retail selling emerged.