Campeau retailing officials denied that three large department stores in their nine retailing chains would soon cut prices.
While the retailing chains remained successful, the stores were saddled with debt payments passed on to them by the parent companies.
Campeau will pay $6.58 billion for the retailing chain that it had first sought with a $4.2 billion bid in late January.
Several executives of Campeau's retailing chains said they had been told the company would announce some decisions today.
Three leading retailing chains yesterday reported improved earnings for the third quarter.
Just as important, the threat posed by troubled retailing chains and redundant movie theaters is not that severe.
And indeed, the agent for the building's owner said it was negotiating with a national retailing chain.
The retailing chain wants to renovate the building and reopen it as an electronics store.
Kingfisher has an electrical retailing chain named Comet.
The company's nine retailing chains declared bankruptcy on Jan. 15, saying their debts totaled $7.5 billion.