The model, these gurus say, may be the retailing industry.
Although the economy now appears to be recovering, such stores continue to thrive, making up a $5 billion segment of the general retailing industry.
He had been at Federated since 1984 and is highly regarded in the retailing industry.
The company's financial picture is the envy of the retailing industry, analysts said.
Many of the team's members have spent years - in some cases, decades - at the top of the retailing industry.
Competition for advertising is sharp, and the retailing industry has been particularly hurt by the economic slump.
The company said that the competitive conditions of the retailing industry and the slowing economy prompted its move.
Today, Christian recordings, videos and books are part of a multibillion-dollar religious retailing industry.
Three retailing industry trade groups are building the databases.
"That's because we feel the final days of this Christmas shopping season will be disappointing for the retailing industry in general."