A bank syndicate extended a deadline for Campeau's retailing operations.
Its developers converted to a more traditional retailing operation and expect revenues of $10 million to $12 million this year.
But setting up and running the retailing operations has proved harder than anticipated.
"After this sale, the company will be purely a specialty retailing operation," he said.
But in recent weeks he was stripped of control of the retailing operations.
In signing five orders, a Federal bankruptcy judge showed how involved he would be in the retailing operations.
CNC will then be free to concentrate on its other retailing operations.
Sears showed improvement in its troubled retailing operation, but largely because of cost cutting, not increased sales.
Over all, the continuing retailing operations achieved a net income of $63.6 million for the quarter, compared with $51.7 million last year.
Suppose they are each integrated with their retailing operation.