Within the month, he announced that he would not seek election to retain the post beyond the unexpired term of his appointment.
Oxidation was difficult to control, a common wine fault that meant many wines did not retain their quality beyond the next vintage.
Yes, if they don't make the playoffs next year and they don't retain Hampton beyond next season.
As for the Spurs retaining his draft rights beyond one year because he's in service, that's something we're going to be studying in the near future.
Bellamont had so high an opinion of Romer that he was specially allowed to retain his services beyond the term arranged.
He added, "These numbers are telling them they have to invest in exploration" to retain current production levels beyond the year 2020.
She retained this post throughout the first term of the Labour government, and beyond the 2001 UK general election into the second.
Stevens Media retains control beyond that entirely.
But secondary memory - the ability to retain information beyond the span of a few moments -is vulnerable.