She retains her position in the House of Lords as an independent Liberal Democrat.
If the prime minister's party retains its majority in the House of Commons, then the prime minister may remain in power.
The report was acted on and Bird was banned from becoming a minister again, although he retained his seat in the House.
Gun backers retain a widespread support among lawmakers, especially in the House.
Following the 2006 election, the Republicans retained the majority in the House for the first time in 82 years.
Labour was still more than ten percentage points behind the Conservatives, who retained a three-figure majority in the House of Commons.
Price retained the premiership at the 1906 double dissolution election with an additional four seats in the House of Assembly.
Macdonald led a conservative campaign emphasizing stability, and retained the Conservatives' majority in the House of Commons.
The Democrats bear the greater responsibility, because they have majority control and are likely to retain it for the foreseeable future, at least in the House.
Democrats kept a 13-to-8 lead in the State Senate, while Republicans retained a 27-to-14 edge in the House.