You would retain your individuality, Lieutenant, not become a member of a collective.
An old village, Willingdon, to the north, is now incorporated in the town although it has retained its own individuality.
"Although their playing sounds like one great instrument, it is nevertheless not a bit mechanical, for each artist retains his own individuality."
He was not a pioneer of any particular new development, but instead followed national stylistic trends while still retaining his individuality.
The Indign retain their individuality, even in the cooperative state.
Throughout these years Metzinger continued to retain his own marked artistic individuality.
Is she sincere in her concern that Paul retain his individuality?
In a dyad group a person is able to retain their individuality.
We shall no longer retain our separate individuality, but become a single individual as to all questions submitted to the confederacy.
All of this expression is Swiss, even though each culture retains its individuality.