Now the company is trying to embrace the most sophisticated applications while retaining its easy-to-use reputation.
The big American prime contractors, which generally retain their reputation for worldwide technical superiority, have felt little pressure so far from foreign competition.
"They now feel forced to go ahead to retain their reputation for seriousness and responsibility."
Falcon 3.0 retained its reputation as the most realistic flight simulation for years.
Lissitzky retained his reputation as the master of exhibition art and management into late thirties.
Today the city has retained its reputation as a major dhow-building town, the very same vessels that were used for trade two centuries previously.
Despite the company's poor financial results in certain years, Tangs retained its reputation for good service and reliability.
The Colonia retained its intellectual and artistic reputation from the 1960s to the late 1980s.
In contrast, the infantry retained its traditional reputation for excellence.
London's taxi drivers retain their reputation for being among the world's most reliable.