Manchester Victoria station has been rebuilt in a more modest form and retains the former terminal building.
The University categorically denied that it was ever offered a donation from a donor to retain the building.
Although attempts were made by the owner to sell the property, potential developers were not willing to retain the original building in their redevelopment plans.
Throughout 1928 the controversy went on, with the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers especially active to trying to retain the building.
In 1947, the Ministry of Works retained the building on a 21-year lease.
Many residents want to retain the building.
In return for the air rights to build an office tower on the site, O&Y agreed to retain and restore the building.
In 1884, a large courthouse was erected on the same tract, the clerk retaining the old building.
Proponents for retaining the building have vowed to fight the demolition decision in court, and continue to seek landmark status.
The club held a referendum in around 1974, when the members voted to retain the building and not to redevelop.