Some view his actions as a retaliatory act since his children were not among the aforementioned individuals admitted.
These groups engaged in a prolonged series of retaliatory, vengeful, and hostile acts against this black militia.
Setting fire to your own home was not the retaliatory act of a normal, angry child: it was an overreaction, uncontrolled and excessive.
This mindset can lead the individual to identify something as unfair which is merely unfortunate, and thereby to inappropriately engage in retaliatory acts.
Already, there have been some retaliatory acts against Muslims in Britain.
This was soon followed by retaliatory acts from the rival Nuova Famiglia.
Perhaps Miller's hope that his team came alive as the result of one ill-thought retaliatory act will play out.
This was not a retaliatory act; Ben only wanted to increase his backward force.
A number of retaliatory acts against Britain's Muslim population have been reported since the attacks.
No retaliatory acts have been reported, and such talk has been heard before in the wake of highly publicized crimes.