A mentally retarded man must deal with a harsh life in New York City.
He's a retarded man with advanced schizophrenia, organic brain damage, alcoholic dementia.
At last, Lena falls in love with a mentally retarded man named Bob.
And then there's Mickey, their younger son, a 30-year-old mentally retarded man who, for an unconscionably long while, is made to play the buffoon.
Their aim was to separate mentally retarded men and women to prevent them from breeding more "feebleminded" individuals.
The title characters are a mentally retarded man and a laboratory mouse, respectively.
Charlie is a mentally retarded man who is asked to participate in an experiment.
George is one of the main characters in the book along with Lennie, a mentally retarded man with great strength which neither can control.
George took Lennie for what he was; a mentally retarded man, but with great strength.
He looks after the mentally retarded man, Lennie, and their relationship is a strange one.