As of last summer, the state housed about 32,000 mentally retarded people, with 6,500 on waiting lists.
Of 38 states with a death penalty, 18 exempt retarded people, up from only two when the court considered the issue in 1989.
But opportunity, like so many other things, does not come easily for mentally retarded people.
Today, the ranks of retarded people over 60 are growing rapidly.
The only real home she'd known had been shared with two retarded people.
The state is to accept 200 mentally retarded people each year, triple the number it has been taking.
For instance, they like the way Howard makes fun of retarded people.
A special school for mentally retarded people is working here.
With so many mentally retarded people out on the town, they felt less alone than ever before, their families said.
We professionals, with the help of retarded people and their parents, need to find answers.