I had a change in my schedule to the night shift (I'm a direct-care worker for mentally retarded women who live in a group home).
The patient was a mentally retarded 43-year-old woman who had hearing impairment, distorted facial features, muscle atrophy, cataracts, and ossification of cartilage.
It tells the story of a mentally retarded young woman who suffers a series oftragedies after her parents arrange her marriage to an impoverished man.
Nicoletta Grisoni was reportedly born of a mentally retarded woman who got pregnant as a result of rape.
But he also indicated that hysterectomies could provide "significant hygienic benefit" to some severely mentally retarded women.
All were abuses of poor, nonwhite, or mentally retarded women, while no abuses against white or middle-class women were recorded.
Critics also challenged his medical ethics because of his involvement decades ago in sterilizing retarded women, an accepted practice at the time.
She is teaching a 29-year-old mentally retarded woman to read and write.
She lived there with three other mentally retarded women and appeared well groomed and happy.