He published numerous articles on glaucoma, retinal disorders, trachoma and other eye maladies.
He also conducted pioneering research in the 1960s into the use of lasers in the treatment of retinal disorders.
Defects in the corresponding gene are associated with human diseases such as severe kidney and retinal disorders.
Of note are treatments currently available for ocular and retinal disorders.
Serious vitreous and retinal disorders associated with eye floaters include:
Recently, TUDCA has been found to have protective effects in the eye, especially concerning retinal degenerative disorders.
There is some evidence that bilberry may help retinal disorders.
Her father, an ophthalmologist, has a private practice in New York, specializing in retinal disorders.
Irreversible loss of these cells has been attributed as a cause of blindness in many retinal degenerative disorders, including RP.
This shows that non-rhodopsin mutations may also be critical in presentation of retinal degenerative disorders.