He said his publisher, Random House, did pay a retired agents' group "for access to files" that contributed to four books, including his own.
But several retired agents, onetime White House staff members and former police officers have plenty of stories to tell about motorcades they have traveled in.
As I understand it some of the retired agents put me on the enemies list.
The agency possesses a "deneuralizer" to restore retired agents' memories if the situation requires it.
Paul Moses is a retired agent of the CIA, formerly working in "foreign acquisitions".
Mr. Mazza, who now works at a gym in southern Florida, said that several weeks ago, one of the retired agents paid him a visit.
"There's a retired agent I know," Jefferson said.
It concerns a couple of retired British agents, one of whom has defected to the Soviet Union.
A particular thanks goes to Frank Gonzalez, a retired federal agent who played a key role as an investigator assigned to the Yousef defense team.
I got it from this retired secret agent.