The candidate, his wife and their grandson George first stopped at the Philadelphia Archdiocese headquarters for a private Mass with John Cardinal Krol, the retired archbishop.
Fidèle Agbatchi (born October 23, 1950) is a retired Beninese Roman Catholic archbishop.
He is the third of L'Engle's characters to be based on a real person, in this case David Somerville, the retired archbishop of Vancouver.
At this time, the retired archbishop is a resident of the monastic houses of the Congregation of the priests.
Nestor Assogba (born February 21, 1929 in Abomey) is a retired Beninese Roman Catholic archbishop.
Some of the bishops present were foreign bishops, including a retired archbishop.
"I don't think the seminary visitation is going to accomplish much of anything," said John R. Quinn, the retired archbishop of San Francisco.
The retired Anglican archbishop arrived here yesterday.
"This compromises the integrity of the United Nations, and the credibility of the summit," said Desmond Tutu, the retired archbishop of Cape Town.
The retired archbishop died in 1800 and was buried in the monastery's cemetery.