Sally Wendkos Olds had gone along reluctantly on her first trip to Nepal in 1987, to accompany her husband, Mark, 82, a retired broadcaster, trekking in the shadow of the Himalayas.
Hugh Malcolm Downs (born February 14, 1921) is a long-time retired American broadcaster, television host, news anchor, TV producer, author, game show host, and music composer.
Frederick Burr Opper, a retired broadcaster, foreign correspondent and editor, died on Thursday in Norwalk Hospital in Connecticut.
Joe Amaturo, a retired broadcaster in Fort Lauderdale, said after services: "The bishops should keep in mind that every priest that is accused is innocent until proven guilty.
Mr. Sosin is a retired broadcaster for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty with 30 years' experience in beaming information to Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.
Elles Berger (born February 20, 1940 in Amsterdam) is a retired Dutch broadcaster, best known for her work as a continuity announcer.
Frank Andrews Shimkus (born 1952) is a retired broadcaster and Democratic politician in Pennsylvania.
John Leigh "Johnnie" Walters (born c. 1933) is a retired Canadian broadcaster and television personality known for his on-air improvisation and sense of humour.
To be eligible, an active or retired broadcaster must have a minimum of 10 years of continuous major league broadcast service with a ball club, a network, or a combination of the two.
She is a retired broadcaster from Fayetteville, North Carolina.