He defeated Sam Dehne, a retired pilot, and Xiomara Rodriguez, a retired businesswoman, in the Democratic primary.
"Kreplach is religious, symbolic," said Olga Gurwitz, a 70-year-old retired businesswoman who lives on the East Side.
Mimi Rauschelbach, a retired businesswoman from Phoenix, says she is confident about the strength of the American economy.
He is the silver-haired, 52-year-old son of Sara Peterson, an elegant, witty, retired businesswoman who describes herself as "only 80."
For now, two Republican candidates have declared themselves: Carolyn Cox, a retired businesswoman, and Larry Johnson, a perennial candidate.
She ran against Geoffrey Petzel, the owner of a small business; and Maureen E. Yates, a retired businesswoman.
Anna Paisner, a retired businesswoman who was active in charitable affairs, died on Wednesday at Parkway General Hospital in North Miami Beach.
Betty Thayer (born 1958) is a retired businesswoman who advocates for Women in Business and lectures on the role of the non-executive director.
But like many New Yorkers, Mrs. Fiedorek, a retired businesswoman from Connecticut with a husband and two small children, considered the bars imperative for her family's sense of security.
Last spring we bumped into Mrs. Graham, a retired businesswoman who now divides her time between Manhattan and Palm Beach, Fla., on Fifth Avenue.