I understand-you had a horrible day and found out nothing useful except that there's a retired neurosynthetic chemist who wants to meet us.
He got together with Lou Beck, a retired chemist from Cincinnati, who developed a chemical to remove paint from building surfaces.
"His commercials kind of stretch the point," said Richard Book, a 69-year-old retired chemist who described himself as a staunch Democrat.
Her mother, Bernice Ward, is a retired chemist.
Her father, a retired chemist, analyzed food and pharmaceuticals for the state agricultural testing station in New Haven.
James Drake, a retired chemist, who had spent the better part of an otherwise misspent life in reading every kind of popular fiction periodical, said, "Did it hurt?"
She is a retired chemist who worked for the United States Bureau of Mines.
"We see no reason why English signs should be obliterated," said Bob Burley, a retired chemist from Lachine.
David Turner, a retired physical chemist, suggested that ball lightning, another phenomenon, could cause inanimate objects to move erratically.
Mr. Carella, a retired chemist, looks tiny next to his newest banana plant, a year-old Dwarf Cavendish.