In 2009, before Fraser Nelson became editor, it published a cover story extolling the claims of Ian Plimer, who, like Nils-Axel Mörner, is a retired geologist.
Next to her, Melita D. Krilova, a 73-year-old retired geologist with the posture of a dancer, sold a pile of rare books for $8.
"We've just about run through our winnings from last year," said the oldest, a retired geologist from Houston.
Mr. Klebold's father, Thomas, is a retired geologist who runs Fountain Real Estate Management from his home.
Linda Levine, an Eastchester resident, misses Robert Reed, the frail 83-year-old retired geologist she used to visit in Scarsdale once a week for five months.
Mr. Caneer is a retired geologist who is fascinated by dinosaurs.
The caverns were discovered by Walter S. Amos, a retired geologist and mineralogist from Winchester, Virginia, on December 17, 1937.
But only a chimney and crumbled walls remained of the home of Frank Morgan, a retired geologist who owns an ambulance company and lives just around the curve from Mr. Penn.
Harry Smedes, a retired geologist, was there to learn how to cut costs.
That proved to be a major obstacle for Dr. Ron Hedberg of Woodbridge, a retired geologist.