He is married to Corinne Hanson, a retired pastor.
A group of retired pastors read messages, pray over the requests, and write personalized replies.
The church is led in worship by the senior pastor, the associate pastor, the youth pastor and a retired pastor who handles all weddings.
As a retired pastor, I serve as weekend associate at St. Ann's Church and am familiar with the local scene.
In such cases, congregations hire part-time or retired pastors and pay what they can.
Officials at the church headquarters in Kigali say they pay him the benefits he is due as a retired pastor but rarely even mention his name.
He is the retired pastor of the Sweetwater Baptist Church in Quitman.
Paterson lives in Barre, Vermont, with her husband, a retired pastor of the First Presbyterian Church.
A retired pastor operates ChristianTravelers.com to book hotel and travel arrangements for attendees of the annual Southern Baptist Convention.
Olsson is a retired pastor in the Lutheran Church of Sweden, having been e.g. the parish priest of Habo.