"Bass like old stone walls because that is where their dinner hides," said Tom Schaub, a retired postmaster.
By contrast, Gerry Winslow, 74, a retired postmaster, is a committed Smith supporter.
"Live free or die," declared Charles Butterfield, 83, a retired postmaster who lives near here as he repeated the state slogan.
Sara Robinson, who is a retired postmaster, stated that the new post office was built in 1962.
"At the end of the meeting, we did what everybody does, white or Indian," said the Pamunkey chief, William Miles, a retired postmaster.
A retired postmaster from nearby Brentwood, he circled the room clutching a baseball covered with autographs, looking for yet another ball player.
Her father, a retired postmaster, flew east from the family home in Arizona to build the school's anti-injury sprung floors himself.
Democratic incumbent Ralph Anderson is a retired postmaster.
Our mother, who is white, is the assistant director of a Brooklyn medical center; our father is black, a retired postmaster.
They hadn't believed the retired postmaster when he said she'd sent a bomb through the mail.