He later was retired twice.
Although Lola had been in Hollywood since 1929, she had twice retired from the screen for marriage.
After all, Murray has officially retired twice and didn't play at all in 1996 or 1998.
Hingis has retired twice from the game.
At 36, he has twice retired and come back from a kidney disease.
He was retired twice, with hung juries in both cases, the last in 1969.
However, he had previously retired twice, and Collingwood expected him to "walk back after a few weeks absence".
Bonds was retired twice in critical situations, with men on first and second and nobody out in the sixth and eighth innings.
"My father told me, 'You've retired twice, and you can't get it right,' " Peterson said.
This made Bess the first known tropical cyclone name to be retired twice in the same basin.