Ken's retirement from AIP in 1993, at age 67, coincided with the organization's move (along with other physics organizations) to College Park.
Mr. Ambrose's retirement coincides with Mayor Sharpe James's last day in office.
His retirement coincided with the end of the 'Crazy Gang'.
His retirement coincided with the conclusion of ABC's era of dominance over televising the Bowl Championship Series.
Lion's retirement as a record producer in 1967 coincided with the end of Miles' connection with Blue Note.
His retirement coincided with a criminal investigation in which over 30 million Russian roubles was allegedly stolen from the bank by its employees using IT technologies.
His retirement coincided with the first commercial stereophonic recordings.
Mr. Whitbread's retirement coincides with the company's 250th anniversary.
Hacket Pain's retirement from the Army coincided with preparations in the north of Ireland for active resistance to Home Rule.
The retirement of Mr Hancock in 1972 coincided with the redesignation of the school as a 12-16 school in September of that year.