A showdown with the cable industry over retransmission rights may provide big benefits for three broadcast networks.
Mr. Callahan's television station division has been in heated negotiations over retransmission rights with Time Warner Cable.
CBS had no such cable channel and was forced to defer a deal on retransmission rights for one year.
CBS did not own any and got nothing for its retransmission rights.
It was forced to grant retransmission rights to cable systems for no compensation at all.
Left out of all this is CBS, which put off consideration of compensation for retransmission rights for a year.
So they deeply resented losing the leverage to the networks and being forced to make concessions in order to keep retransmission rights.
Tele-Communications' chief executive, John C. Malone, has led the cable industry in insisting that his systems will not pay for retransmission rights.
After broadcasters won retransmission rights in the cable bill, many of them placed high values on their stations.
Among the networks, only CBS has no plans for cable ventures that could give it an alternative to demanding a straight cash deal for retransmission rights.