Its pressurized cargo module would return to Earth and be recovered with a mid-air retrieval operation.
The retrieval operation is so efficient that there are always plenty of sidetracks even in the documents that are relevant to your subject.
The hulk may not stay in real space for very long, eventually slipping back into the Warp, so retrieval operations must be rapid and efficient.
Pendleton and Harcourt spot Craven watching the retrieval operation from a nearby hill.
She was aware that every second they lost jeopardized not only themselves but the guys who were staging the retrieval operation.
Our retrieval operations are already under way, but we have encountered a small snag.
If the ropes do jam then please remember that the great Giusto Gervasutti met his death during just such a retrieval operation.
With practice, encoding and retrieval operations can be sped up dramatically.
But you all aren't the only ones capable of retrieval operations.
If she were in the Low Continuum, retrieval operations would involve temporal phasing.