The harder he tried to retrieve images, the more his head hurt.
Since then, the term has been used to describe the process of retrieving desired images from a large collection on the basis of syntactical image features.
Using digital video, investigators can, for instance, nearly instantly retrieve images of every person who passed through a door on a certain day.
Suddenly, she was unable to quickly retrieve images from the Internet or respond to e-mail messages from clients.
In fact, the ability to retrieve images readily from a searchable database helped accelerate the use of digital photography by news organizations.
Or to her computer screen, where she retrieves images of shtetl lanes, market squares, synagogues and cemeteries.
But maybe retrieving specific images is not the point.
The software then retrieves images of the garment from a wireless link to the Internet.
At the same time, we are retrieving images, "using them," and returning them to file, perhaps in a different place.
As computers retrieve images from the Web or display texts from a server, they make temporary internal copies of those works.