An email client retrieves messages from one or more mailboxes.
A user who is working in the yard, for example, can retrieve messages from an answering machine inside the house.
Furthermore, the courts can force Internet service providers to retrieve messages if they are deemed relevant to a case.
First, there is the telephone, today generally equipped with "voice mail," which allows you to retrieve messages left in your absence.
People can retrieve and send messages 24 hours a day from any place, a great help for people who must communicate across time zones.
That version allows a user to retrieve messages from Orchestrate and respond to them using their computer.
Advanced messaging also allows customers to retrieve messages and information on the Internet.
Subscribers who used the website could still log into the site to retrieve old messages and data.
They said the search was intended to retrieve specific documents and e-mail messages that prosecutors hoped to find.
More recent innovations are remote access for retrieving messages while outside the home or office.