He got attention for his odd dress, a self-consciously nerdy, retro look that reminded some people of Austin Powers.
J Map You won't need artificial respiration (the name of this bar), but the deliriously retro look may well take your breath away.
But in fact the whole process took on a very retro, Texas-elite, Bush-senior look.
It's (no piping w/ retro look) like going retro, and not showing the stirrups.
Ross is returning Army's football uniforms to their 1940's styling, dropping the extra stripes and insignias for a simple, retro look.
Even the special effects have a slightly cheesy, retro look.
These are still used for the classic or even retro look, and use about five watts each.
The interior of the cafe has been designed to give a slightly retro look.
Its aggressively retro look was currently the rage in Japan.
It takes a sour, retro look at the female condition - marriage is either boring or cruel and men are dull or beastly.