The findings, based on retrospective data, could not demonstrate a cause and effect relationship between a low level of LDL and Parkinson's, the authors said.
Historiometry is defined by Dean Keith Simonton as: a quantitative method of statistical analysis for retrospective data.
Some retrospective data suggest that the experience of the treating institution may impact the outcome of patients with stage III nonseminoma.
However, according to retrospective data, roughly one in seven patients with portal hypertensive gastropathy will develop bleeding (either acute or chronic) attributable to the gastropathy.
Using retrospective data, researchers in several studies found that drug courts reduced recidivism among program participants in contrast to comparable probationers between 12% to 40%.
Planet World Cup has calculated some retrospective data on assists back to the 1966 World Cup, though the 1986 data differs from that of FIFA.
It was a landmark event, at which retrospective data on dental implants were collected and analyzed and criteria and standards for implant dentistry were established.
The RR of breast cancer for women with spontaneous abortion was 0.98 (95% CI, 0.92-1.04 for those with prospective data collection and 0.94-1.02 for retrospective data).
Based on limited retrospective data, pregnancy does not appear to compromise the survival of women with a previous history of breast cancer, and no deleterious effects have been demonstrated in the fetus.
However, since this approach is based on retrospective data it does not consider a company's future earnings.