Brian Higgins had returned home from his job selling advertising space for Reed, a paper company.
He was returning home from his job at a purse factory when a young man came up behind him and shot him in the head.
When she got the call to return home from her job at Kmart, she just knew.
Likewise, each woman returning from her job meets a husband, children, sofas, lamps, wallpaper, china patterns.
Clifford died on December 19, 1956 in a jeep accident returning to his home from his job as a game warden.
Returning from her job one day, she fell and broke a hip.
On Sunday he did not return from his job on time and called an older brother to say he had gone to see his boss.
Sulejman had returned from his job at a uniform laundry company, showered and left without comment.
He had just returned from his job as a communications director for a foundation in Philadelphia.
Ayala Levy, 39, was returning from her job as an assistant kindergarten teacher.