It's a fortnight now since you returned home from your studies.
Upon returning from his studies in the United States, he focused on his composing and conducting skills.
Kennedy returned from his studies in Italy in 1920.
After returning from his studies, Silvennoinen continued to work at Nelonen, working on both sides of the camera.
Paul White who had returned from his studies stayed at Kabaa to head the remaining sections.
Daya began his professional practice in 1993, when he returned to the UK from his studies abroad.
Later, Wasim, who returned home urgently from his studies in France, said he had asked the minister to start negotiations and stop the war.
Upon returning in 1932 from his studies in Britain, he served in the Tibetan army.
In 1929, when he returned from his studies.
After Rompkey returned from his studies in London, he started his career as an educator.