He stayed on too long when sides returned to even strength and took a slashing penalty.
It took a number of years for the company's fleet to be returned to full strength due to the slow industrial recovery after the war.
Bradley returned to full strength in his second season, playing in all 82 games for the 76ers.
Moreover, some major industry clients, like large department stores, are so battered that they may never return to former strength.
He had knee surgery over the summer and worked tirelessly to return to full strength.
"Its life force is depleted, but we will see that it returns to full strength."
This alone could not return her race to strength and survival.
She does not, in her estimation, have anything to prove if and when the Williams sisters return to full strength.
By the seventh game the line returned to full strength and used the opening day lineup.
The last thing I wanted to lose was what only now was returning to full strength.