He returned to the second season as a new character due to the series' anthology format.
He returned in the prequel to the seventh season, 24: Redemption.
Ajay Rochester returned to the second season reprising her role as host of the show.
She will return to the third season as a main Housewife.
Key returned to the Test match side after an excellent start to the 2004 season.
Right now there is a big debate about returning to the longer season with the likes of Angel Cappa supporting it.
Sarah doesn't return to the fifth season as regular, but returns in the series finale in the last scene of the show.
Báez returned from elbow surgery with a good start to the season.
After the fourth season of Atlantis, Tapping was offered to return to the fifth season and she accepted.
On May 5, 2009, he returned to the eighth season of Dancing with the Stars.