The guards all stood around on the log walk, watching us enter the hut and probably expecting some joyous reunion scene.
Here, his lost, beloved dog, Pit, turns up and dies in a tear-jerking reunion scene.
Kelly had kept her retinas on wide-field focus, scanning the whole reunion scene.
Jill and the other Angels track her down, but their reunion scene is extremely brief.
"Good, because we absolutely, positively, can't have that kind of reunion scene in front of the press."
So please, if you have the least interest at all or even if you don't, write in for my reunion scene.
I could do without the reunion scene.
Their first meeting was on camera, during the shoot of the reunion scene.
So much for the reunion scene where they ran to each other with open arms.
Pit, who dies, a victim of science, in a tear-jerking reunion scene.