Or the loving, apple-cheeked, sweater-clad grandparents hugging their reunited families in empty holiday terminals!
Kitty stopped speaking, and smiled happily at her reunited family.
He enters the terminal and casually strolls past the embracing couples and reunited families, heading directly for the men's room.
The crowd of reunited families then vanish.
The Christmas break, when the city is fat with tourists and reunited families who'd rather see a show than have another fight, is limited-engagement time.
Afternoon visiting hours had commenced an hour earlier, and the room was noisy with the voices of children and the chaos of reunited families.
Tearfully, the reunited family clung to each other for several moments, unable to speak or do anything else.
She complies, and Don Fernando invites the reunited family to join his own.
'For the Whole Family' In New York and across the country, child welfare systems usually do little to monitor or assist reunited families, experts say.