Mr. Crutchfield wisely opted for Rossini's quite radical tragic alternative ending, not the original ending of reunited young lovers that the composer, not yet 21 at the time, was compelled to write to placate Italian audiences of 1813, who liked to go home happy.
Finally he sees the truth and kills Voislava; the old realm is submerged, and a new world beckons the reunited lovers.
For a moment, that length of chiffon becomes all dance, all dancers; embodying not only the overwhelming emotion of the reunited lovers, but the transporting possibilities of all art.
Unmoved by Conan's opinion, the reunited lovers were still quarreling when the party rode into Haruk.
By the end of the novel I felt that the events centered on him and Molochi as much they did around the reunited lovers.
In 1996, the reunited lovers of John Sayles's "Lone Star," after finding out that they have the same father, continue their affair.
When his dead sweetheart (Anna Falchi) rises from her grave and opens her decomposing arms, the reunited lovers swoon into a passionate kiss.
What he'd witnessed moments ago looked more like the celebration of two reunited lovers than a standoff between dreaded enemies.
This time it is even briefer: the film unfolds, without skipping a minute, in the hour or so before Jesse must catch a plane home to New York, and all those minutes are filled with looping, self-conscious talk as the reunited lovers wander along the Seine.