A painless swab of the cervix can reveal abnormalities, often before cancer appears.
Extensive workup revealed neuropsychiatric abnormalities that are consistent with chronic schizophrenia but no other dementing process.
And are patients prepared for the follow-up exams needed when the scans reveal abnormalities that, more often than not, turn out not to present any health threat?
By November of that year, x-rays revealed serious abnormalities in her stomach and intestines.
This painless test records the electrical activity of your heart and reveals abnormalities in the heart's rhythm.
Exams with an ophthalmoscope can reveal abnormalities of the retina, the macula, the optic nerve, and other structure inside the eye.
Analysis of cells in the amniotic fluid can also reveal chromosomal abnormalities.
Called virtual colonoscopy, the procedure can reveal polyps or other abnormalities without actually inserting a camera inside your body.
There were, however, some rumors saying that test results revealed abnormalities in his blood level.
Again, it had been a short time after an executive-style physical, which in his case had also revealed no alarming abnormalities.