It was one of several choices that reveal contradictions beneath Alexander's smooth surface.
Ishida shows the effects of Tokyo's transformations on teenage social norms and uses descriptions of urban places to reveal contradictions embedded in these roles.
Body culture studies try to understand bodily practice as patterns revealing the inner tensions and contradictions of a given society.
As with most mathematical paradoxes, they generally reveal surprising and counter-intuitive mathematical results, rather than actual logical contradictions within modern axiomatic set theory.
Derrida also turns some of these ideas against Freud, to reveal tensions and contradictions in his work.
AR at 1, 5, but our review of the record does not reveal contradictions or ambiguities in VCG's bids.
The integration of local plans revealed the duplications, gaps and contradictions in the people's planning.
The four tracts that he wrote during 1764-65 to protest British tax measures reveal contradictions and even intellectual confusion, says Ferguson.
Of the title, the judges stated, the author's style reveals a rare gift for revealing the truth and contradictions at the core of human relationships.
But these compassionate acts also reveal moral contradictions.