That smile faltered when a status board at the arm of the captain's chair lit up to reveal the pain and damage to the ship.
Miraculously, a check throughout the ship revealed only superficial casualties and major damage apparently limited to the bridge area.
The transformation began in October 1996, when a study of the dome revealed severe structural damage and water leaks.
The light of smoking fat burning in bronze lamps revealed substantial damage.
An autopsy revealed large internal damage to her organs due to a massive dose of radiation.
Inspection revealed major structural damage to her frame and keel plates.
Sadly, in 2012 the stadium was demolished after an engineering study revealed permanent damage to its structure.
Grace's brain scan revealed damage that affects movement on the left side.
Routine inspections revealed serious hull damage on two of the four old vessels.
So far, the cleaning has revealed fissures, nicks and patches, but little serious damage.