Between shuffling and dealing, the player sitting before the dealer cuts the cards and reveals the lowest card.
To use Forecast, the player pays a cost and reveals the card with Forecast in his/her hand.
Robard raised his left hand and turned it over, revealing the card he held.
The player on the dealer's left cuts the deck and the dealer reveals the top card, called the "starter".
The player has to reveal the card when he has reached the destination, and take a new card from his pile.
Almost giddy with relief, Cristina ripped open the envelope to reveal the card inside.
The Dean reluctantly does so, revealing the card he's concealed.
She revealed the first card on the storyboard.
After revealing the card, the contestant can accept it for themselves or pass it to one of their opponents who has not yet frozen.
When the creature is put into the Battle Zone, reveal the top card of the player's deck.